3 Things To Know About Conductive Hearing Loss

If you feel like your hearing is not as good as it once was, you may want to schedule an appointment to have it tested. The results of your test will determine if you have hearing loss, and the test will also reveal what type of hearing loss you have. While there are two main types, finding out you have conductive hearing loss is always better than learning you have sensorineural hearing loss. Here are three things to know about conductive hearing loss.  

It Is Not Permanent

Conductive hearing loss is typically considered a treatable type of hearing loss because it does not involve damage to the internal parts of the ear. If your doctor tells you that your hearing loss is conductive, you may feel instantly relieved. On the other hand, sensorineural hearing loss is not always treatable, and it often leaves a person with permanent hearing loss.

The Doctor Can Usually Find The Cause

After discovering you have conductive hearing loss, the doctor may be able to instantly tell you why you are having problems hearing. If not, the doctor can usually locate the cause by completing a few more steps. Some typical causes of conductive hearing loss include:

  • Wax buildup – Over time, earwax can build up inside the ears. As this happens, it blocks sound from reaching the ear drums, and this prevents you from being able to hear as well as you should.
  • Fluid buildup – Anytime you have a cold or if you suffer from allergies, you can develop fluid buildup inside your ears. This fluid also stops sound from reaching your eardrums, just like wax can do when there is too much in your ears.
  • Growths – In some cases, there might be a growth in the ear, and this growth can also have the same effects as fluid and wax.

Finding the cause of your conductive hearing loss is the first step towards treating it.

The Hearing Loss Can Be Treated And Reversed

Once your doctor determines what the problem is, he or she will treat it based on what it is. If there is a buildup of wax in your ears, the doctor will clean them out. If there is fluid, the doctor can prescribe an antihistamine to dry out your ears. If the doctor finds a growth, he or she will determine whether to leave it alone or remove it. Some growths will slowly go away on their own over time while others will not.

If you want to find out if you have any level of hearing loss, schedule a hearing test today. Hopefully, you will discover that it is only conductive hearing loss because this type is easy to treat and does not require the use of listening devices. To learn more, contact a center that offers hearing tests (such as Suburban Hearing Services).
