Why The Right Treatment Is Vital For A Sprained Ankle

If your teen child fell during a soccer game and has a sore, swollen ankle, you may want to have a doctor examine the ankle simply to make sure there is nothing serious wrong with it. If your regular doctor is not in, you could always visit an urgent care center to have the ankle examined. Here are three things you should understand about ankle issues.

It is probably sprained

If your teen's ankle is sore and swollen, it probably is not broken; however, there is a good chance it is sprained. A sprained ankle typically occurs when the tissue or ligaments around the ankle are stretched too far. This is what leads to the pain and swelling of the ankle, and it is not an injury you should ignore.

To find out if it is sprained or broken, the doctor is likely to take x-rays of it. From the x-rays, the doctor will know how to treat the problem.

It will not heal properly without the right treatment

The main reason getting your child's ankle examined is to find out what is wrong with it so you can treat it properly. Without proper treatment, a sprained ankle may never heal properly. In fact, a sprained ankle that is left untreated is likely to lead to other problems. This could involve long-lasting pain. If the ankle is not treated, it could result in a lot of pain for a very long time.

Another result of an untreated sprained ankle is the potential for arthritis to set in. If this occurs, your teen may experience pain with his or her ankle forever. An untreated sprained ankle could also lead to mobility or balance issues. Because of these reasons, you should seek help from a doctor for an ankle that is sore and swollen.

Treatment options

When a doctor diagnoses a sprained ankle, he or she may suggest treating it in the following ways:

  • Ice – Ice is known for decreasing inflammation, which is the main cause of swelling. Your doctor will tell your teen how long to ice the ankle and how often to do this.
  • Wrap it – Wrapping the ankle is another common way to treat the problem; it keeps the ankle from moving, and the compression of the wrap also helps with swelling.
  • Elevation – Raising the leg so it is even with the body is also a great way to help keep the blood flowing to help reduce swelling.

If you suspect that your child's ankle may be sprained, take him or her to an urgent care center to have it examined as soon as possible. Visit websites like http://www.billingsclinic.com to learn more.
